Update for the Memphis March 24th Job Fair at the Beautiful Botanic Garden

>> Monday, March 29, 2010

It was a beautiful Wednesday out at the Memphis Botanic Garden where the birds were singing, flowers blooming, and the sun was shining. It was definitely, a better day for a career fair than it was two days prior, compared to the Atlanta Fox Theatre where it was raining and snowing. Despite the weather conditions that were present for Atlanta, there were still some 3000 job seekers present. Memphis had a little bit less, but a much happier crowd. With the weather in agreement we had roughly 2000-2300 job seekers.

In partnership with AARP and WiserWorker.com the Memphis event had many jobseekers that were satisfied with the event. AARP offered help to those that wanted help with their resume, needed suggestions, and/or tips…this was open to all ages. There were many jobseekers leaving with positive feedback. Several were surprised that we actually had companies with positions to fill-not just schools that were looking to recruit. The Census Bureau itself had over 10,000 positions that they were looking to fill, another company had 30 positions, and another company needed to fill two shifts. Needless to say there were positions that needed to be filled and those that did not find anything are looking forward to attending our next Memphis job fair event on July 21st at the AgriCenter to find what we have to offer.

The best part about attending job fairs is that you never know what you are going to find. The companies are there to find potential employees and you are looking for an employer, don’t be afraid to talk to them. Talk to the employers, ask questions, and find out what they have to offer and if you are interested hand the employer your resume. Talk to every employer/company present. You never know…it could be the company you end up working for!

Keep updated for the next job fair information.

-Khon Phaxai


Health Care: What is your take on it?

>> Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I am sure that almost everyone has heard something about the new Health Care Law. I want to know how you feel about it. What is your take on this Health Care? In a way we all knew that President Obama was going to make a change to the health care. It should not be a complete surprise, obviously, there are those that approve and agree with the new bill while there are others that oppose the bill completely. Everyone is subject to their opinion.

Before President Obama even took office he made it clear to the world that he was going to make some much needed changes (whether we need it or not). During his inauguration speech he made it crystal clear that he was going to take a step towards health care when he stated, “health care reform cannot wait, it must not wait, and it will not wait another year.” This statement was made last year, February of 2009. However, it may have taken over a year for legislation to approve; Obama stuck to his words and made a change. There was a preliminary version of the legislation/bill that passed on July 15 of 2009 by Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee (HELP). I could go on to list dates which lead up to this huge chaos that we are facing now. This just goes to say that, we should have known changes were going to occur in the Health Care field, we just didn’t know what day it would hit us or even acknowledge it. Now, the day has come and some people are reacting as if they have not been watching the news. I don’t watch the news but I read to keep updated. Once again, we are all open to our own opinion. Make sure you let me know what you think about this and how it “benefits” you.

There are two sides to every story and we must listen to decide for ourselves. It is not about the money. In the year 2014 the bill will take full affect and those that do not have insurance by that point and time will be fined. Fined? That is ridiculous. There are lawyers/attorneys that are against this and suing because of Constitutional rights. So, in November when it comes time for voting…you can then vote and make your voice heard. Maybe then you can make a change.

I won’t say what I think about the passing of this bill-I will try and keep an open mind, neutral as possible. I can assure there will be changes made in the bill…what bill/law hasn’t been altered?

-Khon Phaxai


Is the Housing Market Stabilizing?

>> Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Photo by: cindy47452

I don’t have to say much about the housing market because we all know how that has been looking for the past year, two years. There are families that have lived in the same house for years and years, raising their children and even their grandchildren. It doesn’t sound weird now does it? Of course not. A house is usually set on a 30 year mortgage, which can really take a lifetime to pay off, and there are some that even refinance. Times were thought to of been tough a few years back, but compared to the recession we are in currently, it is nothing. Compared to the market in 2009, there has actually been a decline in foreclosure filings, but still a 6 percent increase from a year earlier. It is weird to say that we are doing well and things are looking up, but while taking a look around us there are those that are struggling. Honestly, I believe we are all struggling in some sort of fashion.

The number of foreclosures and bankruptcy are still expected to rise, and there are those out there that would agree with me that this is only the peak for the housing market. With the workforce still struggling, the homeowners that had turned to Uncle Sam for help may be facing the same problem once again, falling behind on bills. Currently, the national unemployment rate is at 9.7 percent, by the end of the year, beginning of 2011, it is expected to be 9.6 percent. Not much a decrease, wouldn’t you say? There are companies that are still hiring, but a lot harder to obtain the position. The recruiter can wait until they run across the right candidate. With that being said, foreclosure will continue and maybe stable around 2011. Those that have the money and can afford a house, right now is the time to buy. It is a buyers’ market.

However, do not rush into buying a house if you do not have money put back. Don’t fall into others footsteps and you too have to file for foreclosure, it will ruin your credit.

Think about how the economy has affected your family and would you want to lose your home? Keep up the good work and don’t slack off at work, there are others that may do the job better than you.

-Khon Phaxai


Extra Money

>> Tuesday, March 9, 2010

 Photo by: Steve Wampler

Get that money, ditch the honey-do list! Wait…in this case you may want to do this. If it lands you more money, you want to do it right? Agreed. Well, I was surprised to find this article, Tennesseans due $19.8M in old tax refunds, when I was browsing along. The reason, read the title again, again, okay one more time-again. How often do you hear anything like that? Not often. What is going on? I have been talking to individuals and they have been told by their accountants it could take weeks before their return comes in, it’s bad news for anyone, because we need money.
The article doesn’t say much, as too much would give the IRS away. However, here is the information for you to get even more money, roughly…almost $600.00. Still that is extra money that you could use, right? So, why not become a part of the $1.3 billion of unclaimed money, from the government. Nothing has changed. The deadline like every year for filing your taxes is April 14/15, somewhere around there, if you haven’t done your taxes for the year yet, do it all at once. Gather all your tax information: interest income, mortgage, vehicle tags, bank information, student loans, etc. (for more information you can call 1-800-TAX-FORM or go online http://www.irs.gov/). The most important, the W-2, don’t forget that!
Keep in mind that if you owe money for the past years (2007, 2008, 2009), well, you are not entitled to any of the money. That makes sense. Isn’t that weird how we, the people, can’t owe IRS money or be late, because they’ll charge you but they can owe us? It doesn’t make sense. None the less, make sure you file your 2006 taxes, if you haven’t, and any of the money left over that is not claimed will be going to the Treasury. Don’t lose out on your money!

-Khon Phaxai


Social Media World Interference

>> Thursday, March 4, 2010

Have you ever thought about how much the internet "World" (Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Games, etc.) interferes with your life? Not many do, because it has become a part of our every day life, embedded in our minds even. Isn't it amazing how we get so consumed in media? Kind of like I am now. According to what I heard this morning on the radio, 20 percent of divorce factors have a reference back to Facebook. Wow! That is a huge percentage. Life now revolves around the internet or more tech savvy term, "social networking world." There are several out there in the world that uses the internet to reach out to people on the other side of the world; other countries. All in all, it is a way of keeping in contact with friends and families that you don't see or speak to all the time or an opportunity to make new friends. Now, this is where the divorce factors come into play. What is too much? Where do you draw the line and stop contacting people for the wrong reasons? Who are friends? Some may argue, what are the wrong reasons? Simple. Morals and standards. If you are questioning yourself then you're probably crossing your own lines. What I don't understand is, why would someone belittle himself/herself to such acts? You became married because you love that one certain person. Why mess up that connection? 
Media world has alot to blame for how we look at life, ourself, others, etc...everything is misconstrued. My point in the matter is, why do we let others (media-networking, news, radio, television, celebraties) control our life? Tell me what do you think about this? Give me your opinion about the social media world.

-Khon Phaxai


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